Movie Reviews
Well, I have decided to start reviewing the movies I have watched. I won't right now, but that is because I am just being too damn lazy at the moment (plus, it is late at night, and I really need to learn to stop just writing things at the moment, and actually planning out my posts and tweaking them, making them look nicer before I post)
I have not quite decided exactly on the rating system yet, but I will tell you that I am partial to the five star system, so it will likely be derived from that. However, I am seriously considering segmenting my ratings, as I feel I am unfairly too nice to movies if I go with a strait five star system (I tend to just say screw it, and enjoy the movie for whatever it has to such, there are very few movies I really did not like, such as Thinner, which I felt was absolutely abhorrent). I just need to decide on what categories I want to use, and how I want to use them (i.e., all categories have five stars, and overall rating is an average, or maybe that the categories have nothing to do with the end rating...I don't know yet)
Anyway, I have already been composing a list of movies that I am ready to review. Some of them are new (or relatively new), and some of them I only saw just recently. For instance, I watched The Ref for the first time tonight, so I am adding that to the list, even though it is, what, ten years old? (BTW, I'm giving it at least four stars...I was laughing all the way through it)
Well, that is all for now. Cheerios!
Note: The picture of the helicopter has nothing to do with this post...I just thought it was funny (and a little scarry)