200th Site Hit!
Yes, it is, and it took less time than my first hundred. I guess people are catching on?
To celebrate, I am posting a picture I had a friend take of my fiancée and me. I am obviously the one in the front, and we are each holding up two fingers to symbolize both peace, and two hundred hits.
Isn't she just so cute?
Jeffrey, me yike dat pictow ov yo gulfwend...it wookz yike me ant eweee cuz dee haz wed haow tu. don evva fodit tu taow huh dat u wuv huh an appweziate huh, datz doe impotunt!
yep,i have red hair too, glad to know you are a red-head fan! haha
new site...ms.creek has changed her identity...and blogspot.
This true, Ellie?
of course,
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