Sunday, March 05, 2006

Of Liberal Intent

I have finally done it. I have made my first post to my new blog, "Of Liberal Intent". Click the title of this post, and it will take you there, where I wax about how labels are a bad thing, most notably "Liberal" and "Conservative".


At 7:38 PM, March 05, 2006, Blogger Ellie Creek Ellis thinks...

ohhhh, argghhhhh, i'm lazy and hate to read blog posts by going to other blog posts! just put them all on one! you and jam and hand and all of those.....okay, i'll go...sheesh!

At 7:41 PM, March 05, 2006, Blogger Jeffrey E. Hunter thinks...

If it makes you feel any better, I hate it too. However, I wanted to separate these two because I want to recruit a few people for my new one, and wanted to keep this one for me. However, I need to advertise, so I made it so that the few people who actually read mine will be able to know of its existance.

Ellie, I'm glad you still come and read...without someone to make comments, I think I would go batty in here.

At 7:57 PM, March 05, 2006, Blogger Ellie Creek Ellis thinks...

lol i like reading what you have to say and commenting, as long as i don't overstay my welcome! lol sometimes it's worth writing to receive all the different comments, sometimes, its worth writing just to get things out....


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