Sunday, January 22, 2006

A Proposal

Dear Wistful Romantic,

This blog is for you, and only you. Anyone here can see it, read it, and know what I say to you, but it is for you.

I have loved you since the moment I have met you, and the times we have spent together only make me love you more and more. I can no longer imagine life without you, or at the very least, the hope of having you.

Every year I have known you have been the best years of my life, no matter what has gone wrong. No matter where we go, who we become, you will always be beautiful, you will always be perfect, to me.

You give me hope that life can be wonderful. You have taught me what love is.

Will you marry me?

With love,
Blue Eyes


At 8:04 PM, January 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous thinks...


At 4:01 PM, January 29, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous thinks...

is there and anonymous 3?

At 2:50 PM, January 30, 2006, Blogger Jeffrey E. Hunter thinks...

To be honest...I Don't Know.

When I saw the second one, it scared me a little bit.

I'm going to turn off comments to this string before anyone else decides to answer the proposal.


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